Further Development

Further Development

Realise your full potential!

At fischer, we attach great importance to your continuous personal (further) development. Our personnel development programme offers you an extensive and attractive range of further training opportunities. From tailor-made seminars to special training programmes - we support you in achieving your career goals.

Our aim is to offer you the best conditions for professional success. We invest in your further training so that you are always up to date and can successfully meet the demands of a changing world of work.

Talent management

Discover your career opportunities with us!

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Leadership development

We offer our managers at all hierarchical levels sustainable and tailored further training measures.

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Expertise development

In our company, we attach great importance to using specific expertise in key positions – because this is an essential foundation for our success.

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Individual qualification programs

Needs-oriented further training is the key to success and indispensable for securing the future of our company. That’s why we organise various qualification programs to increase your personal effectiveness.

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Digital learning 

It is important for us to enable and ensure individuality and independence in learning. That’s why we rely on digital content and media.

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Klaus Fischer Education Centre

We focus on your personal development, even outside working hours.

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Language courses and language trips

Discover the world and communicate confidently in any language – with our comprehensive language training program, we lay the foundation for your international career!

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Excerpt from the fischer mission statement
In order for us (the employees) to contribute sustainably to the success of the Group, we see our own professional and personal development as a constant field of action. We also understand this in the sense of continuous improvement in our workplace in order to be able to provide the best possible performance and results.